All the respect in the world

March 8th, 2006

Daddy, will you help me get my Minnie Mouse dress? That wicked girl won’t help me.

And yes, the wicked girl she is referring to, is me.

Another good reason to keep it to three

March 7th, 2006

I’m barely sure what time it is, or what day it is for that matter. The past weekend was an utter loss. Our whole family has been fighting, not only the respiratory flu, but strep throat and ear infections. If it isn’t one kid, it’s the other, and then they bow and curtsy to one another, doce-doe and do it all again. I was lucky enough to be included in the dance this weekend. Actually, I think I was the best dancer of them all.

ANYWAY, the one question that I kept asking myself this past weekend was, which do I like better:
(a) The Pre-Motrin Phase, with the skin that hurts when you take your pants down to go pee and the joints that ache and the head that throbs or
(b) Post-Motrin Phase, when your fever breaks in the middle of the night and you wake up shivering unsure of where or who you are as you sit in a puddle of your own sweat.

It’s really a toss up.

Flu talk

March 2nd, 2006

I knew it. I knew it when the thought of being done with winter illnesses crept into my head last week…that I shouldn’t believe it. I knew that I should shake my head as hard as I could to pulverize any inkling of having the “season of sick” done and over with.

But I couldn’t. I held on a little too tight and a little too strong and briefly envisioned an early spring with no snot or fever or cough. It was too glorious of a thought to let go. Like warm sun melting the snow away. Like thoughts of playing with no coats on and running on dew covered glass with no shoes. These times will come. But you must wait.

And just when you think you have made it to nirvana, you get bitch slapped with a delirious flu ridden three year old. And all the comfort we got from the doctor this morning was when he turned to walk out of the examining room. He stopped, turned, looked at me and my brood and got down on one knee and said to the boys, “Now boys, whatever you do, don’t go licking you’re your sister, ok?”

Oh, thanks for planting that seed!