Super Summer Reading Chart

June 25th, 2007

To help CT along with his reading this summer I have organized a very impressive (only to myself) multi tiered chart and reward system. Really, why make it easy?

So the quick run down goes like this…If you read a book you get a stamp. If you read a book and write a three sentence book report on the book just read, you get a stamp in the “prizes” section of the chart. If you get 10 prize stamps you get a prize and so forth and so on.

A few of the books CT chooses from our collection are a little questionable in my opinion. He likes the really easy books or the books he know by heart or just picture books (he sometimes must think I am a complete idiot). Today he chose Everyone Poops, which would not have been a first choice of mine for him to read but he has been at school all morning so what the hell.

And here is his three sentence report.

It is funy win they say that a one hump camel has a one hump poop.
It is cool win they show animals eteing.
I wondr why animals stop to poop.

Photo of the day

June 20th, 2007

Queen of the clouds

Summer School

June 18th, 2007

I had three fears as a little kid. 1. My parents would get a divorce. 2. My house would start on fire. 3. I would fail a grade and have to take SUMMER SCHOOL.

And now, CT is taking summer school. Not because he failed first grade but because he isn’t right where he should be in reading. Let me just tell you, it took me some time to be ok with this idea, but only because of my own inadequacies and fears of failure on my part. He sees none of this, or at least doesn’t let on. He looks at it more as an inconvenience that is interrupting his precious pool time.

But me, I had a hard time with it. As a parent I would never want him to feel “less” than he is, because he is so much and has so much to give. This is one of those moments in time where I know it is the best thing for him but I am feeling how I would have felt if it was me at seven and I know I would never want him to feel that way. It is still fresh for me when I think of it. I took fear of failure very seriously.

I’m glad he doesn’t. I am even gladder that today when he walked off that bus, he was laughing and joking and then told me of all the great things that happened at summer school.

The best of all he said, he has a boy for a teacher. How great is that?

Hello world!

June 18th, 2007

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Grandmas Marathon 2007

June 17th, 2007

It was a hard race to watch and an even harder race to run, with the beating sun, the humidity and the ever climbing temperature I applaud everyone who took the chance.

Cheers to you boys…Paul for his first, Adam for his last and Lars who is on his way to Boston. Well done!

Not so fast

June 15th, 2007

I so don’t care that I’m 37. I never feel like I have to lie about my age or pretend I’m younger than I am. In fact, I actually feel like I will really hit my stride in my forties and am looking forward to it.

This afternoon I quick ran into Trader Joes to pick up a few items for our road trip. We are heading up north to watch Adam and a couple other friends run Grandma’s Marathon tomorrow.

As the 20 something check out boy was making small talk, he asked if I had big plans this weekend. I told him about the marathon. He then asked about the training. I told him Adam had been having some problems with his hip and various other things and then he says, “Yeah that stuff just happens when you’re in your forties.”

Whaaaaaa???? Excuse me? Are you saying my husband is in his forties because he’s not even here for you to see, so how the hell would you know how old he is? Or are you assuming I am ALREADY forty therefore I am married to a forty year old. Do I look forty to you you you you snot nosed ass?

The flags are flying high for me

June 14th, 2007

Hi, my name is Mary.
I’m a birthday -aholic.
Today I am celebrating my 37th birthday.

And loving every second of the adoration.

The little BIG victories

June 13th, 2007

On our first family visit to meet my dad’s new oncologist back in March, everyone was nervous to find out exactly what he was going to be facing in the upcoming months. With a PSA of 2700 and a bone scan that made most of his bones look like they could break at any moment, it felt dyer.

Four months, several hormone and bone strengthening treatments later, his PSA level is back in the normal range at a whopping 3.9. His oncologist almost fell out of her chair with excitement.

If you know my dad at all, you know he is a man of great faith. He also is and a man of great humor. And back on that first day with the oncologist, when the air in the doctors office was so heavy it was hard to breath, he looked at all of us and said, “I look IT in the face everyday and I say…FUCK YOU DEATH!”

And with that said, all we could do was laugh.

A stitch in summer time

June 12th, 2007

As of late, I find myself with no time to blog. No time to string together a story. No time to sit and just think.

It’s ok. The things that make my life busy are what they are. They are my choice. Not that I wouldn’t like to scrape out a little more time, but it’s just not there.

The newest addition to the mayhem…my kids are ALL here. All of them. And this week, the week before CT starts summer school, it feels more important to run wild, eat crunch dipped ice cream cones, stay at the pool way too long and stay up way to late.

My hope is for us to find a great summer rhythm. Some sort of beat that works for us all. That helps us work together and enjoy the beauty of each other and the short lived but most delicious weather this time of year has to offer.

Welcome summer, we’ve been waiting for you.

Happy 69th Mom!

June 7th, 2007