Puppy dogs, soft kittens, baby bunnies and a sharp stick

April 29th, 2010

One shouldn’t really hate inanimate objects but I am here to tell you right now, I DO!


I have raced on this bike for the past 4 years.  It has never been right.  It hasn’t been so wrong, but it certainly isn’t right.  I have gone back to the bike shop that sold it to me (GEAR WEST!  I say this in all caps because as of right now I feel the same about them as I do about my bike) year after year to try to get it to fit right.  You see, it causes some discomfort to my left knee when I ride hills or hard workouts or very long distances.  Which seems to be the majority of my time right now.

I thought it was ok the first year of racing, I only did two races and the distance was not that long.  And, I didn’t know any better.

The second year I upped that ante on mileage and intensity of workouts.  That’s when I started to feel the issue.

The third and fourth years, I thought if I loved my bike more and didn’t think about how much I hated it, it would love me back.  It did, at least that’s what I like to think, but my knee still didn’t feel great.  I can only feel it when I bike, no other time.

Now, over the past few weeks, I have taken my bike into a cycling shop to have some work done and get another fitting by someone who DOES NOT WORK AT GEAR WEST.  I had at least three people shake their heads in disgust that I was ever sold that particular bike in the first place.  You see, it’s too small.  It’s more like a circus bike than a tri bike.  That about fits doesn’t it?

(Do you see the look in his face?  I can hardly help you lady but…I will try!)

So now, after several hours and two fittings later, I am left with riding low milage and light gears so my body can get use to it.  I don’t have the patients for this.  It doesn’t feel any better off the bat, in fact, it might be worse.

Jon told me to find my zen when I emailed him to complain.

There is no zen here, no thinking of soft fuzzy cute animals to make me feel better….only hatred, venom and loathing.

I am in the house of ANTI ZEN!

Happy 40!

April 23rd, 2010

Laura…Happy 40th Birthday!

How did YOU celebrate 40?

Laura went to Paris and slayed the Paris Marathon making her goal time with three minutes to spare.  Can you see the finisher’s medal around her neck?  It goes so well with the pearls.

Have a great day my friend.

Look who showed up and went boom

April 22nd, 2010

A while ago, T-odd broke-up with our little girly running group.  Yeah it was hard on us for a little bit but he said, “Oh it’s all me…not you, you guys are great I just need to move, need my own space, find my way.”  Haven’t you heard that before?

Anyway, I was running with Jen last week and T-odd joined us for the first 2.5 seconds of the run, that was right before he put on his jet pack.

As Jen and I were finishing our run, we see T-odd walking back in the opposite direction toward his car.

We come to find out that he bit it…HARD.  Really hard.

His foot got all caught up in his very loopy lace and he went down flat but still had enough strength to shut off his watch.

Here is the detailed version of the fall, including the trip to the doctor the next day for an x-ray of his rib.

But there was no mention of Jen, who with the meds that she was packing, nursed him back to health.

What up with that?

Happy 75th

April 21st, 2010

Today is my dad’s birthday.

If he were still here he would be the big 75.

But…he’s not.  So we did what we could to celebrate him.

We went to church in his honor and then we went to the cemetery and found that someone had visited and brought him a flower.

We brought him coffee, his favorite muffin and then we remembered him, his love of church, his love of family and his love of friends.  Then we talked about  all the great things he would be doing today to celebrate himself.

I am sure there are a handful of people remembering my dad today, he had a lot of help celebrating his birthday.

Cheers to you dad.  Happy Birthday.

We sure miss you!

60 is my new 20

April 18th, 2010

I giggle and shake my head at the long distance training perspective.  It’s like when you are training for a marathon and you have done so many 18 and 20 mile runs, that when a 10 mile run comes around again, it seems like a walk in the park.  You actually think that 10 miles is almost nothing.

This is already happening with ironman training.  Today was a 60 mile ride, it wasn’t so long ago that I was on my trainer, biking 45 minutes.  60 is a lot, I am already looking to 20 as a walk in the park.  That’s messed up.

Luckily for me I have friends that are willing to ride with me, impart wisdom and help me along the way.

This is Jon.  He’s the guy, in my circle of friend’s, who knows just about everything there is to know about biking.  If I could download what is in his brain, just think of the speed I could attain.  This guy, will make me a better biker.

I have already warned him, that by the end of the summer….I will have sucked the life out of him.

Just in case we were questioning our choice

April 16th, 2010

Last week, I went with PJ’s class to the Minneapolis Institute of Art to look at the eight pieces of art that they had studied in class.  The docent was so intrigued about the fact that our little group spoke Chinese, that she wanted to kick off the tour by dropping by the Chinese art exhibit.

She brought the kids to see this very old tapestry, that is hanging behind her, and asked if anyone recognized any of the characters.

A few kids started raising their hands, and then a few started saying random things here and there, and then the rest picked up on it and the entire group stood there chanting aloud the story that was woven so many years ago on an ancient Chinese tapestry.

As I stood with my eyes wide and my mouth agape, the docent turned to me and the other mom and said, “did either of you get that on video?”

Hidden Under the Azalea

April 15th, 2010

This is for Erik, who keeps badgering me about putting something else up so he doesn’t have to look at my dog anymore.

2 or 14 in dog years

April 7th, 2010

Yes, another spring birthday.

She spent her last day being one eating all the left over Easter ham, which filled half of a gallon sized zip lock bag.  And then she shit herself and threw-up.

Sounds about right for a Sellke birthday bash.

Happy 2nd Birthday Lucy!

Double Digits

April 4th, 2010

Dear CT,

10!  You are 10 and you got to celebrate your birthday on Easter this year, how Grandpa would have loved that.

Every year I sit down to write a little something and every year I find it hard to think back.  There is so much to say, that I could go on forever about how you have grown not only in size but in spirit and generosity, in gratefulness and kindness, in maturity and thoughtfulness.  But what I really want you to know, with these years that are flying by so fast, is that you are growing into a really wonderful person.

I cherish you my first born son.  You lead the way, it’s not always easy and it’s not always fair but you take it and make it your own, finding your own path.

May this year be filled with all things wonderful and challenging and exciting and even peaceful.  May you continue on your path, wherever it may lead.

To being 10!

I love you so.


2 moms + 6 kids = Water Park

April 1st, 2010

No, it’s not an April fools joke.

Heading off to Duluth with Jen for a little Water Park FUN!

Happy spring break!