60 is my new 20

April 18th, 2010

I giggle and shake my head at the long distance training perspective.  It’s like when you are training for a marathon and you have done so many 18 and 20 mile runs, that when a 10 mile run comes around again, it seems like a walk in the park.  You actually think that 10 miles is almost nothing.

This is already happening with ironman training.  Today was a 60 mile ride, it wasn’t so long ago that I was on my trainer, biking 45 minutes.  60 is a lot, I am already looking to 20 as a walk in the park.  That’s messed up.

Luckily for me I have friends that are willing to ride with me, impart wisdom and help me along the way.

This is Jon.  He’s the guy, in my circle of friend’s, who knows just about everything there is to know about biking.  If I could download what is in his brain, just think of the speed I could attain.  This guy, will make me a better biker.

I have already warned him, that by the end of the summer….I will have sucked the life out of him.

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