
October 31st, 2007


Happy Halloween!

Sweet little baby

October 29th, 2007

KP has not been napping for months now.  He still takes an hour of quiet time in his room just to get his bearings but the eyes are never shut, the mouth never stops talking and the little brain just continues to spin and spin and spin.

Last week he fell asleep twice.  I’m not sure if it is because he is fighting off Adam’s cold or if he is going through a growth spurt or if he was just tuckered out from all his out of the box creative quiet time set up.

But today, as I read him his stories, he laid his head on my chest.  As I read his little body relaxed.  With every word his breaths became deeper, his head became heavier and his whole being just melted into mine.

Oh so sweet little boy.  You haven’t done that since you were a teeny tiny baby.  Thank you.

Ode to Ms. O’Keeffe

October 27th, 2007

If you are in or around the Minneapolis area, be sure to stop by the MIA to see this stunning collection of Georgia O’Keeffe’s work.


October 26th, 2007

Last night, as CT stood brushing his teeth and looking at himself in the mirror, he called me up and proceeded to tell me…

“Mom, I know I came from both sides of the family because I take a LONG time on the toilet and I can’t always remember my right from my left.”

Big brother’s friends

October 24th, 2007

CT passed his friend Sam’s picture around the kitchen table yesterday during snack.  And this is what was said:

PJ:  (looking at the photo) I have a crush on him.

Me:  What does that mean?

PJ:  It means I love him.

Me:  Well, Sam is a really nice boy.

PJ:  Oh no…I just like how he looks.

Brussel sprout stalk

October 20th, 2007

This came home in my organic veggie box this week. 

I had no idea.

Your friend’s kids

October 19th, 2007

Today Jen and I took our six kids to the pool for a swim. 

After an hour of fun, it was time to get everyone showered and dressed.  We decided to divide and conquer. 

I took the boys into the Family Changing Area, which is a very small bathroom with one shower, I figured they couldn’t go anywhere if I locked them in.

Jen took the two girls into the woman’s locker room.  You know, the girls deserve a little bit nicer conditions.  And under those nicer conditions the following is Jen’s account of a delightful conversation between her and PJ:

PJ:  (Staring at Jen, while Jen is naked)  I’m staring at your boobs because they are bigger than my moms.

Jen:  Oohhhhh, that’s ok, I don’t mind.  Just be sure to tell her that, ok?

PJ:  Well…it’s because you’re fatter than she is.

Washed with words

October 18th, 2007

Damn I love books that grab you, transport you and then linger in your thoughts once you have set them down for the night. 

I started The Kite Runner last winter.  I got two pages into it and then something happened and I put it down.  Once I set a book down, it is usually dead to me, but for some reason I picked it back up.  I am so glad I did.   

If you have not read this book yet…you should.  It is worth every second of your time. And there is a movie on the way, although it sounds like there is a bit of a delay.

The gag reflex

October 17th, 2007

Adam is home this week on vacation.  All three kids are home this week on break.  The mini van is on vacation at the Honda dealership getting its fuel injection pump replaced.

All that said, this week when we go anywhere as a family unit, we drive Adam’s two door Golf.  We are like a little circus spilling out whenever we get to our destination and the doors open.

As we were driving home from the donut shop KP asks if I can help him get the booger out of his mouth.  The what?  How did you get a booger in your mouth?  Booger…snot…green…wet…slimy…booger in mouth…I IMMEDIATLY start to gag. 

He starts to ask louder and louder for help and then starts to cry.  Adam looks back and sees the booger is lodged between his front teeth, dangling slime wedged in his teeth, I continue to gag.  Adam starts to laugh uncontrollably and won’t stop talking about wet boogers stuck in-between teeth as I sit there gagging next to him. 

The kids are screaming and laughing.  Adam has tears welling in his eyes as his face is turning red from laughing so hard.  I’m still gagging.

And then KP announces the booger is gone.  And just so you know, that didn’t make it better, it didn’t make me gag, it made me want to throw up in my mouth.

Wilco in the mist

October 11th, 2007

They ripped it off the roof last night.

I have not been to a concert that good…maybe ever!