The gag reflex

October 17th, 2007

Adam is home this week on vacation.  All three kids are home this week on break.  The mini van is on vacation at the Honda dealership getting its fuel injection pump replaced.

All that said, this week when we go anywhere as a family unit, we drive Adam’s two door Golf.  We are like a little circus spilling out whenever we get to our destination and the doors open.

As we were driving home from the donut shop KP asks if I can help him get the booger out of his mouth.  The what?  How did you get a booger in your mouth?  Booger…snot…green…wet…slimy…booger in mouth…I IMMEDIATLY start to gag. 

He starts to ask louder and louder for help and then starts to cry.  Adam looks back and sees the booger is lodged between his front teeth, dangling slime wedged in his teeth, I continue to gag.  Adam starts to laugh uncontrollably and won’t stop talking about wet boogers stuck in-between teeth as I sit there gagging next to him. 

The kids are screaming and laughing.  Adam has tears welling in his eyes as his face is turning red from laughing so hard.  I’m still gagging.

And then KP announces the booger is gone.  And just so you know, that didn’t make it better, it didn’t make me gag, it made me want to throw up in my mouth.

3 Responses to “The gag reflex”

  1. mrs.b on October 17, 2007 3:39 pm

    Thanks so much for that. I guess my afternoon glass of red is going to go to waste. Technically.

  2. Erika on October 17, 2007 10:33 pm

    What made me gag the most is thinking about you gagging over and over again. Over a booger. In a tiny baby circus car in which all the windows were rolled up and maybe the heat was on a little too hot.

  3. Jennifer on October 19, 2007 11:02 pm

    I know this begs the question. But, how the hell do you get a slimy, flimsy booger wedged between your teeth in the first place? Jen

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