BIG brother

August 15th, 2005

Happy Birthday to my one and only BIG brother!

Big brothers are great to have. I love having one. Only once in a blue moon did I wish I had a sister. And that passed quickly, especially when Tom went through his eye liner and hair dying phases.

As I watch my kids kick the crap out of each other, I lovingly think back at how my brother and I did the same thing…

I was in 4th grade and Tom was in 6th. I decided I wanted to make pancakes for him before school. He decided he wanted to flip. I didn’t want his help…screaming, pushing and pulling of the spatula ensued. Ultimately, we ended up wrestling each other to the ground. I on my stomach, arched up in a C shape, Tom riding me like Bodacious with my head/hair in one hand and the spatula pulled back ready to strike in the other.

Then mom walked down the stairs. She WAS NOT pleased!

Oh, I have many stories. And all of them put a little smile on my face.

Love ya Tom. I hope you have a great birthday.



June 7th, 2005

Happy 67th Birthday!
Aren’t you excited for my birthday next week, Flag Day, June 14th???

Happy Mother’s Day

May 8th, 2005

Dear Mom,
Thanks for being the wonderful person you are. For always being there for me. For always having time for me. For always wanting the best for me. For always loving me, no matter what.
I love you.


April 21st, 2005

Happy 70th Birthday! Wow, 70…that’s old.
Your one and only daughter

Are you my Mother?

February 9th, 2005

My mom was over visiting yesterday and I had just gotten a stack of books delivered from Amazon. She was looking them over and ran across Eric Harr