Mrs. Bickerson meet Erik. Erik meet The Internet.

February 22nd, 2005

Back on February 10th, Erik and Mrs. Bickerson had started a dialog in my comments section. Due to the Bolgus Interruptus (as Adam puts it) I was unable to post Erik’s additional comments. Since Erik is kind of a celebrity on my site or at least I talk about him a lot, I thought I would post his response so everyone on the internet can be filled in, not just Mrs. Bickerson.

So Mrs. Bickerson…your response.

Cupcakes?! I think you have understated the level of your relationship. I am still waiting to be cupcake worthy (and I know exactly what cupcakes you are talking about). Mrs. Bickerson, you were so polite to introduce yourself; I thought I should return the gesture. I am a long time friend of both Mary and Adam. I met them at a wedding of a mutual friend some time in the early 1990’s—we were all just a year or so out of college—pretending to adults, partying like kids. We all drank too much that first, fateful evening and passed out in a hotel that distinguished itself from the others on the strip by its horseshoe-shaped sign. Even through the haze of the hangover from the previous night, I recognized I had met some folks worth getting to know better. But alas like any good story, the route to friendship was circuitous and the end not at all assured. Mary and Adam would live in South Bend, Indiana and then Duluth, Minnesota before our paths would cross again. When they did return to the Twin Cities, they were down and out, living in Adam’s parent’s basement. Maybe they were desperate, maybe our stars were meant to cross, but Mary reached out to an old friend—a woman that I was in a relationship with. As Mary and my partner reconnected, I began a cautious acquaintance with Adam—a friendship that would become the most enduring and important one I have. This is more than a decade ago. Since that time, I owned and disposed of a company with Adam, lost my partner, became the proud Godfather of P.J. and “uncle” to C.T. and K.P., drank their wine and emptied their Scotch (without the decency to replenish it), ate my unfair share of meals at their table, served as hair consultant to the “ringleader”, angered Adam’s father with my progressive politics, frightened Mary’s father with my ambiguous sexuality, dated models, partied with Prince (okay those two are not true), and stalked the blogs of friends (congratulations, by the way, on your marathon in Las Vegas). And so with that I will end. It is my pleasure to meet your acquaintance. I hope that we can meet in real life sometime.

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