
May 6th, 2005


PJ is having her third birthday party tomorrow. She has no idea that her birthday has actually passed, yes that was very selfish of me, but you try to explain to a just turned three year old who doesn’t understand days of the week or hours of the day. She often times thinks when she wakes up from her afternoon nap that it is the next day. Need I say more?


Anyway, she and I have been getting ready today. Actually, that is a bit overstated. We made the cake, danced like princesses and talked about her party.


Tomorrow should be fun. One minute she can’t wait for her party to start, talking a mile a minute about how her friends are going to look at her cake and say, “Oh my, PJ I love your cake, what a pretty cake!” The next second, her face has turned sullen and she begins to ramble on about not wanting to turn three and not wanting to have a party at all.


It is her party, she can cry if she wants to. But, if I know my girl, she will party like a rock star and then hit someone later.

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