And so it goes…

June 2nd, 2005

I am done. I am done breastfeeding. Today, I decided to have Adam give KP a cup at night instead of me nursing him. Why? Well, we have been cutting back for weeks now. My thought is that once we hit 12 months, we’re golden. I’m not one to nurse a child who can actually say the word breast.

How do I feel about this? Well, let me tell you. During the last 6 years (72 months), I have been breastfeeding for 34 months and pregnant for a total of 30 months. So, if you do the math (stop laughing, yes I did the math, so if you see an error you fix it and let me know) there has been a total of 6 months in the past 6 years that I have not been breastfeeding or pregnant. THAT IS A LOT! I am ready to be done. It is time. I am ready to have myself back.

Will I miss it? Yes. There is a very special bond that is created when one is breastfeeding. It is the most nurturing act I have ever done.

This past Monday, we were at my in-laws for dinner. It was getting late, so I was getting KP ready for bed. As I sat in their guest bedroom nursing him, I saw our reflection in the mirror and wished I had my camera. I knew it would not be much longer that we would share in this together. I didn’t have my camera, but I will always remember him there in my arms so sweet and innocent and lovely.

It’s time to fly my little one. Stretch those wings!

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