On your mark, get set…

July 7th, 2005

I have my summer girl coming over this afternoon. For two hours. I know, I know, you can’t get shit done in two hours, but I’m going to try. I like looking at it as a weekly case study of how many things I can get accomplished in how little period of time. Hmmm, maybe I should start an excel spread sheet and then graph myself. Wouldn’t that be well worth my valuable time?

On the days she comes, I get this little nervous energy just before I take off out of the house. When I only had CT, I would get that same feeling when I would put him down for a nap. I knew I had X number of minutes to get X number of tasks completed and I was going to do it by god. I would go flying around the house, multitasking my way through my projects, my head spinning along with the twelve plates in the air.

Today, instead of running franticly to the bank, grocery store and pet store, maybe I should take my two hours and run to the coffee shop to read my book. Now that is something I can get done in two hours!

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