Virus from hell

July 14th, 2005

All three of my kids have a virus. This particular virus gives you a VERY sore throat and the fucking crabbies.

You see, they are not sick enough to be down for the count. But, they are just sick enough that they are not up to snuff and then they go through the day doing everything with a fit or a whine. I am so not exaggerating, and I am one to exaggerate!

I have determined, over the past few days, that if the virus doesn’t leave this house that I will need to find a new line of work. I am so not exaggerating, and I am one to exaggerate!

Examples of a virus taking over my kids bodies:
Crying when eating birthday cake (CT)
Hitting Bible Camp Teachers (PJ)
Throwing oneself on the floor for no apparent reason (CT-PJ-KP)
Tantrums (standing, screaming, crying large tears down the cheeks and stomping legs all because he doesn’t want to stop to look at a babbling brook-no kiddn’) from 5 year old (CT)
Mom wanting to drink copious amounts of alcohol at 9:30 am (mommy dearest)

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