Beyond pig-headed

October 27th, 2005

I am slowly being driven mad by my little girl. She seems to have given-up her one nap. Does she still need a nap, you ask? YES. But, she just won’t go down.

There are several reasons why this is such a bitch-slap.
#1 CT going to afternoon kindergarten. You see, I had my heart set on HOURS (or at least 1 hour) of napping (no one touching me or demanding anything of me or yelling or fighting). I was looking forward to an entire year of quiet afternoons.

#2 “Quite time” at our house is to be done in one’s room. SHE WILL NOT STAY IN HER ROOM. And it doesn’t seem to matter how many times you walk her back in there, she just comes right back out.

It also doesn’t seem to matter how I threaten, what I threaten, locking doors, keeping doors open, positive reinforcment, negative reinforcement, taking away TV or even her most prized possession (her binki), it just doesn’t matter to her. It is her way or no way…AND I CAN’T LIVE THAT WAY!

Do I feel like I have to win with her? Yes. Maybe that’s part of the problem. But oh my god, if I lose the battle at 3, what the hell does 13 look like?

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