21 months

February 15th, 2006

In a nutshell, YOU ARE A MENACE!

Every chair and stool we own has been put away in a closet or put up on top of the table. Everything on the counter must be pushed, as far back as it can, or you will get it and run. Your favorite toys are dimes and large apples and razors and forks and you can’t get enough of running on wet tiled floors.


While we were at the doctor’s office yesterday and you were running around the exam room bumping into walls and then falling on the floor giggling, the doctor looked at me and said, “How many stitches has he had?” I told him none. He then asked, “How many bones has he broken?” I said, “He hasn’t broken any bones either, but if you look in his mouth you’ll notice most of his teeth are chipped.”


Even though you push me to the edge and I can’t find you many times during the day and when I do find you I find you with something you clearly shouldn’t have or clearly should not be doing, I would not trade you for the world.


You are filled with everything. Great and wonderful this world is with you in it. And you, my little big boy, are taking it by storm. Rage on.

I love you,


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