And the white flags are a fly’n

April 11th, 2006

I just…I just…I just don’t get it. Why on earth some days are like torture. Why wee little ones prefer to push and push and push until there is nothing left of me or them.

Today I have had the misfortune of having to “follow through” with a whole slew of threats that I doled out and all for not listening, the first time. I’m honestly done with my kids ignoring me or dismissing me.

PJ is the one who seems to be having the hardest time with this new concept of listening, the first time. Today she has missed out on a swim outing and milk and stories before quiet time. If things continue down this path, she will lose her TV privileges for the day. And to tell you the truth, that is all I got left. There is nothing else to take.

Even though I am not the beating type, days like this one make it hard to find balance in the rage. And now as I sit and try to write away my anger I find myself thinking of her fortitude and her strength and her stubbornness and her will power and how she is forging her own way and making it her own, standing out from her brothers and taking her own stand.

Someday, when she is older and wiser, she will take all that makes her maddening to me, bundle it up, use it to her advantage in life and be a VERY strong and beautiful woman.

And people…mark my words, you all better watch out, because if you get in her way I have not doubt that she will cut you.

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