Laying down the law

July 24th, 2006

Over the past week, PJ has been taking the liberty of running away from me at the pool. Where does she run you ask? Anywhere the hell she wants, I answer. Ok, let’s see…she runs to the bathroom, to get her towel, to the sand, to the other end of the pool, to say hello to the lifeguards, to see floating discarded Band-Aids, get my drift?

Just so you know. Rule number one on our list of three pool rules is, “WE MUST ALL STICK TOGETHER and if you want to go somewhere else you MUST ask permission”.

This morning on the way into the pool I made it very clear to all three children that if anyone, including PJ, ran anywhere without permission we would pick up and leave immediately. Everyone knew what was at stake and on this 90 degree day we all were hoping for the best.

Suddenly, she turns to me and says she wants to go home. I look at the clock, it is only 12:15 and we usually don’t leave for a good hour or so. I tell her it is not time yet but we will leave soon. And then she does it, like a bolt of lightning…gone across the pool to places visually unattainable until I am running with child number three in my arms after her.

Once I nab her little arm, stop her and ask her what she’s doing, she looks me straight in the eye and says, “Well mom, you said we would have to leave if I ran away…so I did.”


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