Coffee & Vino

August 2nd, 2006

The above mentioned are my two vices or addictions or foibles or loves or “item’s” I don’t ever want to be stranded on a dessert island without.

And my love affair with coffee just got a little stronger.

I’m not even sure what tipped my brain into thinking I wanted to find about how to make cold press coffee. Maybe it was my friend Megan who walks around with her own home made iced coffee in a perpetually reused clear plastic Caribou coffee cup with lid and straw or my constant spending of $3.50 every time I feel like I “deserve” a little something for myself or the horrendous heat or my 3:00 pm extreme dip in glycogen stores.

But thank God something pushed me to do it because now I have my own container of thick, syrupy, tar-black nectar of the god’s sitting in my own refrigerator.

Now you can Cold Press coffee too.

I prefer mine on the rocks with skim milk (about 1/3 coffee to 2/3 milk should do it).


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