Food, you need food

September 6th, 2006

Today, on CT’s second day of 1st grade, he came walking home from the bus stop, chin trembling and when he saw me he BURST into tears. He crumbled into my arms and he sobbed and sobbed and then told me his head hurt so bad he thought he was going to throw up.

As the ever worried parent of a 1st grader, I of course thought the worst, he got his feelings hurt by someone, he got bullied, he couldn’t figure out the answer to some “gummy bear math” question or he got off at the wrong bus stop.

After some Motrin and ice to the head and dinner, we were able to talk about his day: a day that was filled with fun, math, gym, chasing girls, no confrontations and best of all no problems. And as we were talking, I was unpacking his lunch. A lunch that had only two bites out of it. When I asked him why he ate so little he said, “Well mom, they don’t give me enough time to eat and did I tell you I WAS THE THIRD KID ON THE PLAYGROUND!”

And if you are wondering, the answer is YES..Yes, recess comes right after lunch.

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