What the hell has happened?

December 4th, 2006

It’s December. I pulled up this site and to what do my wondering eyes should appear…NOTHING. The whole page was blank. Then I realized it wasn’t because something was wrong, it was because no one had written anything since Thanksgiving.

So, what’s new you ask?

Hmmm, it has been so long let me see. Thanksgiving was great, small but peaceful and lovely. The Christmas tree has been bought and all the decorations are out and the excitement is mounting. CT’s front tooth is dangerously close to falling out; in fact it is so loose that I almost want to throw up every time I look at it. Adam keeps trying to persuade him to pull it but even dangling a pack of Pokemon cards won’t pull him out of the fear of pain that might be caused when that tooth is yanked out. I decided to try to find a part time job for a little extra cash. This is always fun, I love interviewing. I mean really…who wouldn’t like me? Ok, don’t answer that. So I ended up with two part time jobs: one teaching swimming lessons and the other in a Hospital helping gather data on an adolescent depression study. I spent three days last week in a pool getting recertified so I won’t drown small children. I ran two consecutive times with no knee pain, which I guess I never wrote about, but since the marathon I have not been able to run over three miles. I dreamt I had a broken clavicle and in the dream the doctor was resetting it while I was a wake. I don’t ever want to have that happen. We have gone to one birthday party, one Christmas concert and two Christmas parties. Almost all the Holiday cards are addressed. I haven’t even started my Christmas shopping. Trying to decide if we should have the kids put their shoes out for St. Nick tomorrow. I have nothing to put in them. Did you do that as a kid? Last night PJ was up all night throwing up, which in turn means I was up all night cleaning up barf and consoling my sick little girl. I cleaned the grout in my shower today and feel oh so freed by it. Right this very minute everyone is sleeping and I am sitting on the couch in the sun.

There you have it.

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