Lenten penance

February 21st, 2007

I’ve just started a new knitting project. A friend of mine let me page through her favorite knitting book and I fell in love with this little crown. A project that I think is adorable and would love to see Miss PJ wear on her birthday…even though she has made it clear she doesn’t want it.

Not listening to her may be mistake number one.

So I bought the supplies, which include 3 rolls of pink crepe paper. Yes, I know…crepe paper. I am KNITTING a crepe paper crown.

God certainly did not dole out any patience to me as I got shot down from heaven on my birthday, knitting with this type of material may be mistake number two.

PJ’s big day is not until May so I thought this would give me ample time to try and make it. At the rate it is taking me to gently, gingerly and oh so cautiously not rip this stuff to bits while knitting it I may not be done until Christmas.

Hmmm, maybe I should have bought it in red. Mistake number three?

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