Sweet little baby

January 15th, 2008

This past weekend Jen and I were given a three day Stay at Home Mommy Pass.  We left our six kids, two husbands, three cats and two fish behind so we could fly to Boston to meet, in person, Anne Marie and JP’s new sweet little wonder kin…Baby H. 

I’m not allowed to slather the internet with pictures of the most adorable and intelligent child on the plant yet, but soon I am sure, I’ll keep you posted.

It was one of those weekends that fills you up.  One of those moments in time that you cherish because they are so few and far between.  One of those times where friends catch up, sit back, share, and enjoy the new little wonder that is suddenly there sharing your home, your space and every waking moment.

I forgot what that stage looks and feels like.  The sweet smell, the tiniest of noises and squeaks and sighs, the weight and warmth of a sleeping little one that looks so angelic and innocent. At that stage anything at all is possible, dreams are being built and his future is being visualized while his parents gaze into his blue eyes.

And oh yeah…I forgot about the sleepless nights, the questioning and the not knowing what to do next.

How fast the “baby fears” fade and how quickly the new family becomes an agile unit making its very own way down the path of life.

Welcome to the world H, you are one lucky little man.

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