What Kind of Art is in your closet?

March 25th, 2008

Over the past two months I have had the opportunity to go into PJ’s school to show and discuss different pieces of art from the MIA with her class. Today we showed our last two pieces, from a grouping of eight, that portrayed either Friends, Families, or Foes.

As I was reading about the art and preparing what I was going to say, I began to wonder how the disscussion of death, burial, spirits and memorials were going to go over with these little ones. I decided to tread lightly and just see where it would end up on its own.

As my art partner was “on” telling the kids about how this particular sculpture would be buried with a dead family member, so that they could still have their family, friends and everything else they use to enjoy in life with them, a little boy raised his hand. She nodded to him and he said, “my mom has grandpas bones in a suitcase…she didn’t like him much…he smoked a lot.”

And then somehow she gracefully let that one slide right on by.

One Response to “What Kind of Art is in your closet?”

  1. Erik on March 26, 2008 8:47 am

    And art seemed like such a safe subject. It wasn’t like you you were teaching sex education: “My mom has a friend who comes over and tickles her, because she says my daddy is bum.”

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