Is that school policy?

April 29th, 2008

Yesterday I got to take a break from my motherly duties. My mother came over early to help get the kids on the bus and then took KP for the day. Her wonderful gesture enabled me to volunteer for an amazing event to help the homeless called Project Homeless Connect.

After my volunteer duties were done, I walked out the doors of the Convention Center, sat in my car and listened to my phone messages. What is the one call I had…the school. The school had called three hours earlier to tell me PJ had barfed all over her classroom on their way to lunch.

So I called home, Adam had picked her up and all was fine. Then I got a call from a friend, who also has a child in PJ’s class. She wanted to share a really funny story with me. Then I got an email from Mrs. Bickerson, with a very similar story.

The story goes something like this…ALL PJ’S CLASSMATES HELPED WIPE UP THE BARF SHE SPLATTERED AROUND THE CLASSROOM. Then proceeded to lunch, without washing their hands.

It is at this point in the telling where I need to say to the mothers in PJ’s class, I’m sorry, I hope your kids don’t get sick and who’s going to talk to the teachers about the hazmat suits?

2 Responses to “Is that school policy?”

  1. Mrs. B on April 29, 2008 3:43 pm

    My initial reaction to hearing my daughter tell this to me yesterday was that she is going to give her brother a run for his money in the tall tale telling department. After the mass barf clean-up was confirmed my knee-jerk reaction was holy crap that’s not right! And then I thought about it for a night. I’ve come to the conclusion that our society might be much better off if we had more kids cleaning up barf in our public schools.

  2. Mrs. Rellim on April 29, 2008 7:35 pm

    OMG! I work in a public school and not only would the children be whisked away, the custodian would probably be wearing protective clothing and the waste would be packaged in a red-colored (meaning “bodily fluids!”) trash bag.

    Maybe this is how SARS started?!

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