Our three-headed monster

May 19th, 2008

We are in one of those “phases” right now, the kind of phase where all our kids know how to do is fight. This my friends, this incessant fighting, drives me insane.

I somehow was not born with the ability to just tune it out. That’s what my mother tells me to do and I just can’t find the chanel. I hear it and I hear it in stereo and then I start seething and smoke starts coming out of my ears and then I start seeing the white hot rage. YES, THE WHITE HOT RAGE PEOPLE!

Yesterday, after Adam and I released each other from a hug (the kind of hug where you each clutched onto the other for dear life as if waiting for the big mother of all boats to come by and save you) he looked at me and said…Find a book! There’s got to be a book. AND, if you can’t find a book…THEN WRITE ONE.

One Response to “Our three-headed monster”

  1. mrs bickerson on May 19, 2008 8:34 pm

    “Find a Book!”

    Now THERE’S an excellent subtitle for your blog.

    Love it!

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