Back to my hot Podiatrist

February 17th, 2009

Marathon training has officially started for good, today.  And what I mean by that is, today, although not necessarily the first day, kicked my butt.  Moderate (which is a swift) pace for 7 miles with sprints at the end.  Needless to say, I realized today just how out of shape I am AND that I need to head right on back to the Podiatrist.

I can’t even think about my Podiatrist anymore without thinking of a conversation I had with Jen the first time I went to see him.  I got out of the office, picked up my phone and called Jen to give her the low down on the bunion and then I added that not only is he brilliant, he is HOT!

She said, well he’s your type.  I’m all like…WHAT…I have a type?  What do you mean?  I’ve been with the same guy for half my life. I don’t have a type anymore.

She continued on, yeah he doesn’t really do it for me.  You know, he looks just like Adam will in 10 years.

And damn if she isn’t right…my husband is sooo HOT!

5 Responses to “Back to my hot Podiatrist”

  1. Whitney on February 17, 2009 8:42 pm

    As far as podiatrists go, he’s a cutie pie. More importantly, is he help you?? How’s the bunion? And wanna go to tai chi with me on Thurs?

  2. Whitney on February 17, 2009 8:43 pm


  3. Whitney on February 17, 2009 8:43 pm

    I think my Chinese grammar skills are work good for me today.

  4. Erik on February 19, 2009 3:00 pm

    I don’t know about this “sooooooo hot” thing. Yeah his is good looking. He is not really tall enough for his looks, He goes in and out of shape–depending on time of year, the amount of booze and his training schedule. And quite honestly his hygiene on the weekends can be down right atrocious. All-and-all I would rate him a 8.5 on average Tuesday evening but 6.5 on a Sunday morning after drinking, bbq and beans.

  5. Betsy Auth on February 26, 2009 10:22 pm

    Wow – I suddenly feel the plantar faciatious (sp????) coming back. Hmmmm.

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