First times

March 25th, 2010

For my mom, this year has had its bumps, but she is moving through it the best way she can.  And I must say, she is doing a great job.  Changing what you have known for 40 some years is hard, even for the best change agent in the world.

If you have been around me at all in the past months, you have heard me utter, “2010 is STILL going to be a good year”.  And I do honestly believe that.

I said this exact thing to my mom last night, while we sat in the ER waiting for the second of two CT scans to be done and her lip to be stitched up.  When I said it, she gave a a very grim…”When?”

She fell while on a walk, during a stunning spring day, with her friend.  Simply caught her toe on some winter-heaved-pavement and down she went, on her face.  Lots of stitches, lots of swelling, lots of bruising.  She said I could post the photo, but…I’m restraining myself.  She thinks it looks worse than it feels.  Yup, it’s hard to look at.

This year has a lot of firsts for her.  Her first time to the ER.  Her first stitches.  Her first decisions by herself without a partner in crime.

She is finding her way.  She is amazing.

How lucky I am to be the one to hold her hand as she got her first set of stitches.

2 Responses to “First times”

  1. whitney on March 26, 2010 3:52 pm

    Oh my!

    See!! This winter was so icy and awful that the sidewalks are still mad about it. I hope you heal fast, Elaine! You’re so lucky to have such a great daughter.

  2. maureen Crotty on March 27, 2010 1:23 pm

    Sorry to hear about the fall……but so happy to hear Elaine is foraging ahead. So many changes in such a short time. But if I know Eliane, she will hop back up on her two feet and put one foot in front of the other………and dance!
    Hope your face healing is quick.

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