
June 18th, 2007

Hi, I’m Mary.

When I was little and played “house” I always used the name Robin.

When I was in 2nd grade my teacher called home to tell my mother I had to pick ONE name because everyday I came to school with a brand new one.They didn’t like that so much.

I’m a Gemini, can you tell?

Now that I’m big I respond to Mary, mom, wife, organizer, which seems to suit me just fine.I have the opportunity to mostly stay at home with my three kids and balance two part time jobs. The kiddos are CT who is 13, PJ who is 11 and KP who is 9. They are a handful, spirited, very LOUD and destroy almost anything in their path.  They are extremely active and I love them to death.

My husband is a futurist who is never afraid to break open the walls of a new idea.

We also have a Standard Poodle named Lucy who is very protective and a misfit named Murphy.  We got Murphy when I was two Surly’s “in” and then picked PJ up from a friend’s birthday party at the Humane Society.  That damn dog, is all I’m gonna say.

In my spare time I like to read, cook, drink copious amounts of wine or Surly or coffee (depending on the time of day), take photos and train for whatever athletic goals I seem to want to reach during the racing season.

If you ever have me over for dinner, please note…I’m not a big fan of cilantro!

Welcome to Circuslunch!

One Response to “About”

  1. andrea scher on December 28, 2009 3:21 pm

    Just wanted to say that I was reading through some old posts and saw your comment about your dad going through a test for an unclear Xray on his back…

    It is two years later and I just checked on your site to see how he/you were doing.From what I have read on your site, it looks like cancer… I am so sorry, and just want you to know that I am sending you and your family lots of love today.

    Telepathic, virtual love, but love nonetheless.

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